Age healthier, live happier

Timeless Health MD - Newport Beach, CA

Your hormones are the most essential chemical messengers in your body. As we age (starting in your late 30s), hormonal imbalances tend to occur, causing weight gain, tiredness, low sex drive, restless sleep, irritability, brain fog, and more. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a non-synthetic and holistic way to help you regain your energy, stamina, and youth so you can live your best life and achieve timeless health.

Ready to live a healthier, happier life?


Timeless Health MD at Newport Life Center

4425 Jamboree Rd. Suite #129

Newport Beach, CA 92660-3002

Phone: 949-385-2284

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do you show signs of hormonal imbalance?

Have you been feeling off for a while and don’t know why? Here are some signs and symptoms that could indicate hormonal imbalance:

  • Mood swings/Irritability

  • Sleeplessness

  • Poor concentration

  • Memory loss/Brain fog

  • Fatigue/Constant tiredness

  • Weight gain

  • Lacking energy or motivation

  • Hair loss

  • Low sex drive

  • Depression

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Not only is it common, but it generally worsens every year you get older. And it not only impacts your physical health, but it can also take a toll on your mental wellbeing and personal relationships.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you live a healthier, happier life by eliminating these symptoms. So take a chance and invest in your health. Start by finding out your hormone levels. The rest may just change your life!

pellet therapy allows you to Look and feel your best, at any age

Naturally occurring hormones, such as estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, and progesterone, are produced in various glands throughout the body. These hormones regulate an enormous range of body functions. When our glands under or overproduce hormones, we experience symptoms like those listed above.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants. While these hormones are not made from humans, they are chemically identical to those in our bodies— and we can process them similarly.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses plant-based hormones to help address hormonal imbalance symptoms like mood swings, sleeplessness, poor concentration, memory loss, fatigue, weight gain, limited energy, hair loss, low sex drive, and depression.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy includes a comprehensive review of a patient’s current hormone levels, healthy history, and needs. According to this detailed information, Dr. Edward Tangchitnob will prescribe a customized treatment plan that may include a hormone pellet, peptide injections, and/or medical-grade supplements.

The length of treatment also depends on your individual needs and how you are feeling – some people may require hormone therapy indefinitely while others may only need hormones until their symptoms have subsided.

Dr. Edward Tangchitnob can determine your hormone levels and unique bioidentical hormone needs through state-of-the-art diagnostic hormone testing. Our process includes:

  • Quality compounded pharmacy 503B pellets compounded in FDA-approved facilities

  • Medical-grade supplements

  • Stress reduction plans

  • Testing - blood laboratory analysis

  • Natural hormone balancing

  • Ongoing evaluations

  • A comprehensive review of symptoms, medical, family, and personal history

  • We’ve partnered with concierge mobile phlebotomists (come to your home or place of work as early as 6 AM or as late as 8 PM to draw your blood—no need to go to a lab anymore! (

FRequently ASKED questions (FAQ)

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?  

Hormone levels for both men and women will naturally decline with age - starting in your late 30s. This includes your testosterone, estrogen (men and women have both of these!), thyroid, cortisol, and many more. As a result, you start to experience symptoms such as constant tiredness, lack of energy, weight gain, brain fog, irritability, trouble sleeping, decreased sex drive, and other effects of aging.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treats one’s hormone levels to improve associated symptoms. Traditional HRT often uses synthetic/artificial hormones or hormones derived from the urine of pregnant mares (to create conjugated estrogen, for example). In contrast, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) uses ingredients that are molecularly identical to those produced by the human body and are plant-based, made out of natural products such as soy or yam. 

What are hormone pellets? How are they administered? Is it a painful and/or invasive procedure?

The pellets are usually the size of a few rice grains. The ones our practice administers are made out of yams and implanted in the fatty tissue underneath the skin. Basically, they’re injected under your skin, usually in the buttocks or the lower abdomen. The procedure is done under local anesthesia (numbing the skin where you’ll be injected) and typically takes a few minutes. Thousands of our patients who have been pelleted have said that the procedure is quick and painless.

What conditions or symptoms do BHRT pellets treat?

It’s prescribed to alleviate symptoms associated with a hormonal imbalance (e.g. deficiency), most commonly as a result of aging, starting from your late 30’s for both men and women. For those experiencing constant tiredness, lack of energy, brain fog, weight gain, irritability, trouble sleeping, loss of sex drive or difficulty attaining lean muscle after exercising - this treatment enables you to optimize your hormones and continue feeling like your best self even as you go through perimenopause, menopause or andropause (male).

Significantly improved/impacted areas include mood, sleep, depression, anxiety, mental clarity, muscle mass, libido/sex drive, skin, hair, and bone density to name a few. Newer studies demonstrate protective effects on the heart and against Alzheimer’s dementia.

What are the benefits of bioidentical pellet therapy over other forms of HRT/BHRT (creams, pills, patches, gels)?

Since the pellet is implanted under the skin, there is a more stable release of customized hormones with consistent improvement in symptoms, eliminating the fluctuations seen with other methods that require frequent patient intervention. It’s also plant-based, making it natural, while some other HRT treatments can be synthetic. Hormone creams require daily application on the skin and the body may not fully absorb it, which may result in minimal improvement in symptoms. 

How quickly will I see results?

Many patients report feeling a difference within 7 - 10 days after pellet insertion, but it can take up to a month for some to notice the full effects. Approximately 4-5 weeks after getting pelleted, you’ll get bloodwork done again to compare with your baseline results before the pellet. Thousands of our patients have seen a significant difference in their physical body, emotional/mental wellbeing, and measurable hormone levels from the pellet. Based on the results of the follow-up bloodwork, the second pellet may be adjusted to meet the patient's ongoing needs. 

How long do they last? How often will I need to be pelleted?

The pellets last months so you don’t have to get treated frequently–only a few times a year. Typically, the pellets can last between 3-4 months for women and 5-6 months for men. The duration depends on factors like metabolism, weight, and activity level.  

How long will I need to be on BHRT?

The duration varies among individuals. Some patients may need it for a short period, while others benefit from longer treatment. Regular check-ups with your BHRT physician are crucial to assess ongoing needs and adjust dosages if applicable. An overwhelming majority of our patients come back regularly to be pelleted. We have performed over 1500 pellet procedures over the last 7 years.

What are the side effects or risks associated with pellet therapy?

As with any form of medication, therapy, or supplement, there can be side effects, but they are generally uncommon and fairly mild: tenderness around the upper buttocks where the pellet is administered, the potential for infection, fluid retention, or acne. Usually these side effects occur only within the first few weeks and not with very many patients. Also, there are many options to treat these symptoms. For female patients who have asked if BHRT causes excessive facial hair or dramatically deepening of the voice–these are extreme scenarios that very rarely occur. For male patients who are worried they’ll develop breasts like women as a result of pellet therapy, this is also a very unlikely, rare scenario. As long as the BHRT dose is done correctly, and paired with the appropriate supplements, these symptoms do not generally occur. That’s why it’s important to get bloodwork done throughout the process and to be closely monitored and treated by an experienced BHRT physician to avoid incorrect dosing of hormones as well as to address any issues.

Can pellets be removed if there's a problem or an adverse reaction?

The pellets cannot easily be removed once implanted. However, because they’re plant-based/natural, they gradually dissolve after a few months and do not stay in the body. If there are side effects (such as the ones mentioned above), your healthcare provider could help treat these symptoms, which are not very common and do not last long. Although most of our patients continue with the pellet therapy, there is no obligation or medical need to get pelleted after the first time. 

Are hormone pellets safe for long-term use? Can you get dependent or build tolerance/resistance if you use it for a while?

Many people have used hormone pellet therapy safely for years. Although hormone replacement does not cause dependency, patients have shared that they have become accustomed to a new baseline in which they have more energy, sleep better, in a better overall mood, and possess increased focus and concentration. Patients can stop hormone replacement at any time, take breaks, and even get back on BHRT even after a few years later. 

However, as with any medical treatment, it's essential to have regular check-ups and monitoring with a healthcare professional to ensure the therapy remains appropriate for your needs.

BHRT: The Step-By-Step Pellet Process

What to Expect 

Step 1: Initial (Consultation via telehealth)

  1. Establish a physician-patient relationship and discuss symptoms, health history, lifestyle, health goals/concerns, and medications

  2. Create a customized panel of bloodwork including hormone, vitamin, and inflammatory marker levels (you’ll receive a lab order at the end of this visit to get bloodwork done at Labcorp)

  3. Review age-related health screenings (mammogram, prostate screening antigen/PSA)

  4. Set up goals for treatment in the short term (1 month) and long term (1 year)

Step 2: Follow-Up Consultation (Must be in person to get pelleted on the same day if eligible)

  1. Thoroughly review and discuss baseline bloodwork levels 

  2. Identify any contraindications to treatment 

  3. Create customized pellet doses based on bloodwork, weight, and symptoms

  4. Place the pellet in the subcutaneous (fatty tissue) area of the upper outer buttock, which is then closed with a small waterproof bandage

  5. Choose supplements that will optimize pellet therapy and maximize the current protocol (e.g., peptide injections can be added for targeted symptom treatments) 

Step 3 Post-Pellet Follow-Up Consultation (Consultation via telehealth)

  1. Thoroughly review and discuss post-pellet labs 4-5 weeks after initial pellet placement (you’ll receive a lab order in advance to get bloodwork done at week 4 after being pelleted and before this visit)

  2. Review the degree of symptom relief based on initial levels 

  3. Schedule the next pellet insertion date (optional)

  4. 3 - 4 months for women

  5. 5 - 6 months for men

can you benefit from pellet therapy?

It’s a common misconception that hormones only really affect adolescents, pregnant women, those going through menopause, and aging adults in their late 60s and above. But the reality is that it impacts everyone—men and women—as early as your late 30’s. 

For instance, did you know that testosterone levels in men typically decrease about 1% every year after age 30? Or that women begin experiencing menopausal symptoms as early as 15 years before menopause even begins? For women in their late 30s, both testosterone (Yes, women create testosterone too. In fact, women create it in a greater proportion to estrogen than their male counterparts!) and progesterone decrease. Then estrogen levels plummet during menopause, leading to various symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.

 Hormonal fluctuations are far from insignificant. They deeply impact our physical well-being, from energy levels to weight management. And their effects extend beyond the physical. Emotional and cognitive changes affected by hormones can strain relationships, lower job performance, and even challenge our self-image. Imagine feeling perpetually drained, irritated, lacking energy or motivation, not sleeping well, struggling with brain fog and focus, gaining weight, or having trouble losing weight even with a healthy diet and lifestyle…and you just can’t snap out of it. You can blame it on your circumstance (recently having had a baby, a stressful job, raising kids, aging, an injury) and think there’s nothing you can do about it. But more often than not, many of these symptoms are tied to your hormones. AND IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. 

That’s why finding out your hormone levels is important. There are several safe and effective treatments to uplevel your hormones as you get older. For example, creams and pellet injections offer different modes of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Creams can be applied directly to the skin for localized relief. Pellets, which are implanted under the skin, release hormones slowly, providing steady levels for months. It’s essential, however, to approach these options with professional guidance, as one's hormonal needs are unique.

A few key things to remember:

  1. Trust your gut and know that it’s not all in your head. If you’ve been feeling “off,” it’s likely your body trying to tell you something about your health, which may be hormone-related.

  2. Find out your hormone levels (e.g., testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, thyroid, insulin), which is as easy as a blood test. Knowing is truly half the battle and a very important first step!

  3. Invest in your health and make informed decisions based on the many options out there.

  4. Live your best life. I have been so excited and energized by seeing so many of my patients tell me that hormone therapy has changed their lives—they’re working out every day, losing weight, sleeping deeply, waking up energized and motivated, sex drive is back, and they say they haven’t felt this good in many years.

She calls it life-changing. We call her inspirational.

Truly humbled and proud to witness such amazing results within a few months.

Transformation alert! 🌟 We love it when our patients submit photos of their health journeys. Not only did our patient lose 12 pounds while gaining noticeably toned muscles💪 but she did it at 59! Anything is possible with the right tools, determination, and hormone management with bioidentical hormone pellet therapy! Get started on your own Timeless Health MD journey today!

🚨 Transformation Alert! 🚨 At 42, he's not just aging gracefully -- he's redefining it!

Witness the incredible change brought about by structured exercise, bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy, peptide therapy (specifically, sermorelin growth hormone), and liver detoxification. 🏋️‍♂️💊

We're all about applying functional medicine principles in practical, life-changing ways. It's not just about adding years to life, but life to years! 💪🌟

Check out our reviews on Yelp!

“I cannot recommend Dr. Edward enough! Before coming under his guidance, I struggled with my fitness and weight for years. He didn't just provide me with a plan, but also instilled in me the confidence and motivation to push forward. With his expert advice, genuine concern, and unwavering support, I've seen transformations in my body and overall health that I never deemed possible. His patient-centric approach has made my journey to getting fit not only achievable but also enjoyable. If you're seeking a medical professional who truly understands and prioritizes your health goals, Dr. Ed is the one. A heartfelt thank you for all you've done for me!” - Charles R

“I never thought I'd do any aesthetics procedures...I thought it would be too expensive, unnecessary and vain. I also didn't think I'd need it until I was in my 50s. But now in my late 30s, I can definitely see signs of aging on my face...more wrinkles, less elasticity of my skin, texture not as smooth as before. I finally got Botox around my eyes and my forehead from Dr. Tangchitnob and it was such a great experience. He's so meticulous and gentle that it didn't even hurt. He's also very good at a way that I just look fresher, brighter and younger without looking fake. My face still moves naturally and I feel great. He also gives great recommendations on what I need and what I don't need so I don't over-Botox. I wish I had started doing it sooner when the lines on my face were not as deep but I'm glad I've started now. I also went to him for coolsculpting, which was amazing!! I can't believe there's a non invasive procedure like this where you can permanently lose fat without surgery. His staff was so kind, I got to relax and enjoy Netflix in a private room while I did the coolsculpting on my underarms and about a month later, I could see the results in pictures!!!! My friends have noticed my thinner arms too and I feel so much more comfortable wearing sleeveless clothes. Definitely worth it. Can't wait for my next session”. - Sarah K.

“I came to Dr. Tangchitnob with concerns on my acne. I am 24 years old and for years I've always been self conscious on how I've looked and how bad my acne scars are. Dr. Tangchitnob really took the time to address all my concerns with me and guided me through what steps we can take to get me where I want to be.
My first procedure done with Dr. Edward Tangchitnob was the vampire facial micro-needling with PRP to help with my acne and acne scars. I was nervous that it would hurt and I would feel everything but the pain for me was pretty bearable just felt like little pokes here and there around my face. Dr. Tangchitnob and his team made sure I was comfortable each step of the way. My skin felt clean and flawless after. I was left with some bruising and redness for a couple days which is completely normal due to the PRP and healing process. Second procedure I've had done was injections/fillers for chin enhancement to create more of a shape and into cheek bones to create more volume, contour my face and rejuvenate. I was extremely excited right after to want to do lip fillers since I knew the procedures were painless, my top lip has always been thin and smaller then my bottom lip so I asked Dr. Tangchitnob to work his magic to filling them in with some volume to get a plumper look.
I've loved my results that I can't wait to come back in and continue my treatment with Dr. Tangchitnob. I have already recommended him to my mom and many of my friends and would highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking guidance and a change in there life.” -Nicole L.

“I have always been a bit self conscious of my lips, they are very thin and lipstick never looked quite right on me. So I decided to see Dr. Tangchitnob to get the lips I've always wanted and boy I could not be happier with my results! They are still natural looking just a little fuller and now I am able to wear lipstick like everyone else. Dr. Tangchitnob took the time to address my concerns, and we decided to add a little filler to my cheekbone to help with my contouring and to give my face a refreshed look. The process was painless and he made sure I was comfortable every step of the way! I would highly recommend him to everyone.” -Sarah O.

Meet Southern California’s bioidentical hormone replacement expert

With unparalleled experience, Timeless Health MD delivers the best possible care to patients.

Timeless Health MD by Dr. Edward Tangchitnob

Specialty: Functional Medicine, Integrative Gynecology & Robotic Surgery

 Edward Tangchitnob, MD, MBA, FACS, ABAARM, FACOG

Dr. Edward Tangchitnob is triple board certified, specializing in anti-aging and functional/regenerative medicine for men and women as well as integrative gynecology including minimally invasive robotic surgery. He was the first physician to introduce BioTE to the local area and known for his deep experience and expertise in hormone therapy, having performed over 1500+ pellet insertion procedures with hundreds of 5-star reviews and testimonials.

 Dr. Tangchitnob champions a holistic approach to patient care, empowering his patients to take charge of their health, emphasizing the role of education, prevention and a combination of natural treatments (bioidentical hormone replacement, supplements, peptides). His mission is to help men and women look and feel their best as they get older through customized, innovative and safe solutions. His strong belief is that it starts with each patient becoming aware of their hormone levels and then understanding all their options to make informed decisions. He is also trained in peptide therapies, medical weight loss, and minimally invasive facial and body aesthetics, further demonstrating his multifaceted approach to comprehensive wellness that meets each patient’s needs.

As a leading functional medicine and antia-agining physician, he has mentored many providers in the field including urologists, internists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and other gynecologists. He has also served as a mentor and instructor, training providers on regenerative medical procedures using platelet rich plasma (PRP) such as O Shot, P Shot and Vampire Facial/Facelift as part of his aesthetics practice, which includes Botox, fillers, laser treatments and PDO threads.

 In addition to his growing functional medicine and anti-aging practice, he is also the Medical Director of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery for Emanate Health.

Happy hormones = happy life.

When you balance your hormones, you balance your life. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has changed the lives of many patients, and it can change yours too. Watch the videos below to learn more about how Bioidentical hormone pellet replacement therapy helped these women live healthier, happier lives.


Optimize your hormones with pellet therapy

Ready to live a healthier, happier life?


Timeless Health MD at Newport Life Center

4425 Jamboree Rd. Suite #129

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: 949-385-2284