Common hormone imbalances in men

There are two common hormone deficiencies in men: low testosterone and low human growth hormone.

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Low testosterone (Low T)

The affects of low testosterone or Low T can not only impact a man’s quality of life, but his health as well. Low T increases a man’s risk of osteoporosis, diabetes and diminishes his mortality rate. Research has shown that maintaining balanced testosterone levels improves man’s quality of life and raises the life expectancy.

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Human growth hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) is another hormone that impacts a man’s health and quality of life. HGH plays a significant role in bone strength and density, muscle growth and mass, and brain function. HGH starts to decline in a man’s twenties, and by the age of 60, most men have little to no production of this vital hormone.

common symptoms in men

Do suffer from any of these common symptoms of hormone imbalance?


Have you lost your edge? If you’re tired all the time your motivation suffers, your family life suffers, and your sex life suffers.

Weight Gain 

Trying to lose weight during andropause feels like pushing a heavy rock up a steep hill. The more out of balance your hormones become, the steeper the hill.

Low Sex Drive 

Many men experience a below-normal sex drive during andropause. What is below normal? If where it is now isn’t working for you, it’s below normal.



Many men develop a profound appreciation for sleep during andropause. That’s because sleep can be in short supply when hormones are out of balance.


Are you grouchy? Easily frustrated or quick to get angry? More importantly, are your loved ones complaining about it? Welcome to Irritable Male Syndrome.

Muscle Loss 

Your body needs testosterone to build muscle. If you’re losing muscle mass, or finding it difficult to build new muscle, you may have low testosterone.


Erectile Dysfunction 

E.D. affects roughly 30 million men in the United States. Yes, it’s that common. It’s just no one likes to talk about it. There are, however, many solutions.

Memory Loss 

Brain fog. Poor concentration. Diminished mental acuity. If you aren’t feeling as sharp as you used to, andropause may be to blame.


There’s a reason you’re feeling down and unmotivated. Low serotonin equals depression. And low testosterone equals low serotonin.


Prostate Conditions 

Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to prostate conditions. That means balanced hormones, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Hot Flashes 

That’s right—men have hot flashes, too. We’ve found they trouble about 20% of our clients prior to restoring testosterone.

Hair Loss 

Even though hair loss has been studied extensively, surprisingly little is known about it. We let 16 years of experience and common sense inform our approach.



A reduction in bone density is more common than you might think in andropausal men. Through balanced hormones, it’s also preventable. 

Sleep Apnea 

Waking up not being able to breath is unpleasant. But it doesn’t end there. Sleep apnea causes oxygen deprivation, and aggravates other andropause symptoms.