Andropause symptoms in men
What are some of andropause’s earliest signs and symptoms? Do not bear the burden of the discomfort associated with andropause any longer. With BioTE® Medical, we have alternatives to suffering. Keep reading for information about andropause therapy, and to learn about your options for treating hormone imbalance.
What Is Andropause?
Similar to when a woman’s ovaries stop the production of hormones, andropause is when a man’s testosterone levels decrease. Hormonal imbalance in men can be brought on by andropause.
How Does Andropause Present in Men?
Even the most common andropause symptoms are a burden to bear. These symptoms include hot flashes, erectile dysfunction, and sleep disturbances. Anxiety and depression, which are often intolerable and tremendously reduce quality of life, are also triggered by andropause.
What Are the Phases of Andropause?
There are three phases of andropause including periandropause, andropause, and postandropause. Periandropause symptoms, when compared to the ones of andropause and postandropause, are often more difficult to deal with.