bhrt for men

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men

There are many benefits to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for men. Learn how to find out if your male hormones are balanced and what therapies BioTE® Medical may be able to offer you to help you live your best life.

What Is BHRT?

BHRT is an acronym which stands for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy has been a common practice to cope with aging for decades. BHRT can help men feel like themselves again. It can also help men who have always suffered from unbalanced hormones feel like themselves for the first time. BHRT may also be able to lower the severity/risk of ailments not directly associated with the reproductive symptoms most directly linked to imbalanced male hormones.

What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?

The 'B' in BHRT. Rather than animal sources or synthetic sources, bio-identical hormones are derived from plants. In terms of their molecular structure, bio-identical hormones most closely replicate the molecular structure of human hormones.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The 'HRT' in BHRT. Hormone replacement therapy can take the form of patches, creams, pills or pellets. These treatments and therapies contain estradiol, progestin and testosterone. Hormone replacement therapy can help with many different symptoms of hormonal imbalance including emotional symptoms, reproductive symptoms and non-reproductive symptoms.

When Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Most Beneficial for Men?

Hormone replacement therapy can help anyone whose hormones are out of balance at any time. However, as much as a third of the population may experience hormonal imbalance as they age. We also encounter circumstances in which a man has never experienced balanced hormones, as evidenced by symptoms including exhaustion, irritability and extreme mood swings.

What Are BHRT Pellets?

BHRT pellets are custom compounded hormones. BioTE Medical only uses American FDA outsourcing compounded pharmacies to fulfill its BHRT pellet orders for patients. These pellets are inserted subcutaneously in the hip area in a quick in-office visit. Within seven to ten days after your pellet insertion, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) begins to work and BioTE Medical patients are back to their active lifestyles.

Common Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men:

  • Increased Energy

  • Improved Sexual Desire

  • Enhanced Sexual Performance and Stamina

  • Improved Mental Function

  • Improved Moods

  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass

  • Increased Muscular Strength

  • Reduced Body Fat

  • Improved Blood Cholesterol Levels

  • Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

  • Increased Bone Density

  • Accelerated Wound Healing